24 Hour Security Services 07874014305

Manned Guarding Cheshire

Posted by Spartan 24 Hour Security on Friday, November 24, 2017 Under: Manned Guarding Cheshire
Licensed trained professionals Cheshire

Manned Guarding Cheshire. We work in every conceivable security application, from corporate and commercial to construction, retail and residential, airports, seaports to manufacturing, the basic principles of a quality manned guarding service remain the same; select, train and deploy the best available staff; gear their work to a carefully thought through security plan; supervise and manage their work closely and effectively; and maintain close working relationships with the customer’s management team.

We adhere to these basic principles and our customers reap the rewards. Quality is never compromised, but value is always maintained.
  • A high quality service need not cost more – because consistently good service is less expensive to manage in the long run than poor work, which needs constant intervention.
  • Your security staff will be Licensed, NVQ Level 2 trained, will acquire all relevant training standards and will be constantly managed.

You have the responsibility to protect your property – we have the responsibility to protect our good name. So you won’t find our people sleeping on the job or getting distracted from the task at hand.

That’s because we stringently vet our security officers in accordance with BS 7858, so ensuring that they meet Security Industry Authority requirements. Not only that, we undertake continuous professional development throughout their careers, so that they complete and qualify in Security Guarding NVQs.

The cost of using guards of this calibre is more than offset by the peace of mind you enjoy from knowing your premises are secured internally and externally against losses.

In : Manned Guarding Cheshire 

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