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Showing Tag: "motorcycle security" (Show all posts)

Motorcycle Security Tips

Posted by Dennis Hope on Monday, November 15, 2021, In : Motorcycle Security 
Motorbikes are a target for thieves! Don't make it easy for them!

Motorbikes are very commonly not secured properly so they can be easy for thieves. By taking some appropriate precautions and using good quality security products, and using them well, should help you to keep your property safe.

Lock your bike *to* something! Use a Ground Anchor or equivalent!

This most important principle for motorcycle security is that it is critical to lock your bike to something solid whenever possible. Simply...

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Motorcycle Security Tips

Posted by Howard Trott on Wednesday, July 26, 2017, In : Vehicle Security 

Lock your bike to something, lock your steering lock and take your keys with you.

Motorcycle chains and padlocks are heavy but a great way to make sure your motorcycle is secured to something immovable. Immovable objects are something like a lamp post or a ground anchor. If you’re teaming your motorcycle chain with a ground anchor ensure that your ground anchor doesn’t have visible/accessible screws. This makes it harder for anyone to get the anchor out of the ground. Don’t allow ...

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